
President:  Ella Maxwell (click here to email)

1st Vice President(arranges meetings and events)   Jane Mottram (click here to email)   

2nd Vice Co-Presidents: (arranges auction and banquet)  Robyn Terwilliger (click here to email), Kay Dye (click here to email)   

3rd Vice President: (arranges bus trip)  Karen Hofstetter (click here to email)

Recording Secretary and Parlimentarian: Laura Thompson (click here to email)

Corresponding Secretary: (arranges Solberg hosta sale)  Maggie Keesey (click here to email)

Treasurer: Dan McConnell (click here to email)

Publicity Chairperson: Shelly Baldini (click here to email)

Ways and Means Co -Chairperson: (hosta of the month and fund raising) Carol Koch (click here to email)

Ways and Means Co-Chairperson: (hosta of the month and fund raising) Sharon Rendleman (click here to email)

Historian: (maintains scrapbook and history of the club) Roger Becker (click here to email)

Publications Chairperson: (writes and compiles newsletter) Bob Streitmatter (click here to email)

Membership Chairperson: (maintains member database and collects dues) Kaeli McIntire (click here to email)  

Hosta Garden Walk Co-Chairperson: (arranges the bi-annual garden walk) Karen Hofstetter (click here to email)

Hosta Garden Walk Co-Chairperson: (arranges the bi-annual garden walk)  Cathy Endress   (click here to email)

Librarian: (maintains club library) Terry Munday (click here to email)

Hospitality: (arranges refreshments) Bonnie Wallick (click here to email)

Education Committee: (answers questions and provides training) 

Bob Streitmatter (click here to email)

Ella Maxwell (click here to email)

Webmaster: Wendy Kamischke  (click here to email)